
25 september 2019 - Santa Colomba de Somoza, Spanje


Deze foto werd gemaakt op 25 september 2019 in Santa Colomba de Somoza, Spanje met een Huawei MHA-L29.

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3 Reacties

  1. John Cranwell:
    25 september 2019
    Goodness me An you're really off steaming through the countryside... judging by the pictures you're a happy girl and that's really great! 🙏 Much love and blessings ❤ John
  2. An Bekers:
    25 september 2019
    I am happy John. And maybe it seems that I'm flying, but from next week on no more high kilometers. But I do like the long and fast hikes. That's just who I am. And don't forget... My body needs time to recuperate, so I rather spend some more time at my sleeping place 😉. Thanks for supporting and the good advices, John.
  3. John Cranwell:
    25 september 2019
    Bless you 🙏🙏🙏